Engleza, întrebare adresată de ghitasicoe40, 8 ani în urmă

Conjugate the verb "to write" at Past Continuous affirmative, negative and interrogative with short answers. Learn by heart the theory.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de kira2164




I was writing

You were writing

She/he/it was writing

We were writing

They were writing


I wasn't writing

You weren't writing

She/he/it wasn't writing

We weren't writing

They weren't writing


Was I writing?

Were you writing?

Was she/he/it writing?

Were we writing?

Were they writing?


Sper că te-am ajutat! Dacă mai ai întrebări scie-mi în comments!

Succes! (◠‿◠)

Addalia: Este past continuous, nu present continuous. Am zis să scriu aici, pentru că probabil ai scapat din vedere :( ❤
kira2164: Mi-am dat seama între timp, mulțumesc mult oricum!♡
Răspuns de Addalia

"to write" (=a scrie)

1. Past Continuous

a) affirmative:

I was writing (=Eu scriam)

You were writing (=Tu scriai)

He/She/It was writing (=El/Ea scria)

We were writing (=Noi scriam)

You were writing (=Voi scriați)

They were writing (=Ei/Ele scriau)

b) negative:

I was not writing (=Eu nu scriam)

You were not writing (=Tu nu scriai)

He/She/It was not writing (=El/Ea nu scria)

We were not writing (=Noi nu scriam)

You were not writing (=Voi nu scriați)

They were not writing (=Ei/Ele nu scriau)

c) interrogative:

Was I writing? (=Scriam?)

Were you writing? (=Scriai?)

Was he/she/it writing? (=Scria?)

Were we writing? (=Scriam?)

Were you writing? (=Scriați?)

Were they writing? (=Scriau?)

Răspunsuri scurte:

Yes, I was. / No, I was not.

Yes, you were. / No, you were not.

Yes, he/she was. / No, he/she/it was not.

Yes, we were. / No, we were not.

Yes, you were. / No, you were not.

Yes, they were. / No, they were not.

Observație: La punctul b), "was not" se poate prescurta "wasn't", iar "were not" se poate prescurta "weren't".

Iar la final, spune că teoria trebuie învățată pe de rost. Succes! Sper că te-am ajutat! ❤

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