Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexadascalite, 9 ani în urmă

conjugati  verbul  to  bee  si  to  heev  la  cele  trei  timpuri  :afirmativ  ,  interogativ  si  negativ

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de azra
Afirmativ I Have = Eu am
You Have = Tu ai
He Has = El are
She Has = Ea are
It Has = El/Ea are
We Have = Noi avem
You Have = Voi aveti
They Have = Ei au
Interogativ Do I Have?
Do You Have?
Does He Have?
Does She Have?
Does It Have?
Do We Have?
Do You Have?
Do They Have?
Negativ I do not Have
You do not Have
He does not Have
She does not Have
It does not Have
We do not Have
You do not Have
They do not Have
Forma Afirmativa I am - Eu sunt You are - Tu esti. He is - El este She is - Ea este. We are - Noi suntem .You are - Voi sunteti. They are - Ei sunt.

Forma Interogativa Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Are we? Are you? Are they?
Negativ i'm not You're not He's not She's not We're not You're not They're not

Răspuns de lavinia2
was/were   și pui în loc de verb been 
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