Engleza, întrebare adresată de brina, 9 ani în urmă

Construiti enunturi cu urmatoarele cuvinte dar va rog propoziţiile sa fie la trecut si sa nu le luati de pe google translate:
Ex: It's begin to rainer an houre ago.
1 sold
2 caught
3 red
4 stood
5 drank
6 forgot
7 helped
8 came
9 tried
10 travelled

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de GGma
1. I sold my car three weeks ago.
2. I caught a bunny yesterday and keep it as my pet.
3. The building painted in red was demolished a long time ago.
4. You stood in hands for 3 minutes.
5. When I was at school yesterday I drank a bottle of apple juice.
6. I forgot my homework and got a bad grade.
7. I helped a girl to carry her books yesterday.
8. I came to school to learn something new.
9. I tried everything to get this problem done months ago.
10. I traveled around the world for a long time.
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