Engleza, întrebare adresată de Georgfy, 9 ani în urmă

Construiți propoziții în enleza ( afirmativ, negativ, interogativ) cu cuvintele:
to steal= a fura
to stike= a lovi/izbi
to take= a lua
to win= a castiga
to spend= a petrece (timpul) a cheltui
to hit= a lovi/nimeri
to hold= a tine
to grow= a creste
to dream= a visa
to feed= a hrani

Va rog e urgent( sunt de dimineata si mi.e greu ) DAU COROANA!!!

IonutOny69: afirmativ negativ si interogativ la toate cuvintele?
Georgfy: Da
Georgfy: Stiu ca e greu ... dar na

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de IonutOny69
I stoled a egg from the store today.
I striked 2 times the wall why i got nervous.
I won a game 3 times in a row this morning.
I spend a lot of time at the party last night.
I hit my friend and he starts crying.
I hold my grandmother's glasses while she was cooking.
My beard grows today a centimeter.
I dreamed about a paradise last night.
I feeded my fish and he's happy now.

I didn't steal anything this year.
I didn't strike the lamp.
I didn't took the breakfast today.
I didn't won a game for a long time.
I didn't spend my money this week.
I didn't hit my friend.
I didn't hold the wheel because it was too hard for me.
My beard didn't growed up yet.
I don't dream about ponnys.
I didn't feed my cat this morning.

Did you steal the toy?
Did you striked the wall at the school?
Do you took the breakfast today?
Do you won any game?
Have you spend your money in a clothes shop?
Do you hitted your friend?
Can you hold this glass for me?
Does your beard grows up?
Do you dreamed last night?
Do you feeded the fishes?

Georgfy: Multumesc
Narcis151: nu este bine
Narcis151: nu am citit atent
Georgfy: Tu nu ai pus Negativ , interogativ
Narcis151: trebuie pizitiv negativ
Narcis151: nu
Narcis151: alt cineva scrie acum interogativ pozitiv
Narcis151: si apripo bafta maine la scoala
Narcis151: ;)
Georgfy: Nu vreau sa ma cert .... totusi multumesc , o sa iau si de la tine!!
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