Engleza, întrebare adresată de bita1116, 8 ani în urmă

Construiti propozitii la toate timpurile din limba engleză cu verbul wait. Dau coroana!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ghighi107

I walked past by a train

I am going to go to the cinema

I will open the window

I saw a bird outside

I have been to the doctor last sunday

si de aici ju mai stiu...sper sa te ajute

ghighi107: scz
ghighi107: n am vazut continuarea
bita1116: continua
bita1116: ca este bine
ghighi107: cu care verb trebuia?
ghighi107: wait?
bita1116: poti sa le traduci si in romana si sa spui la ce timp sunt ?
bita1116: da
ghighi107: ok
ghighi107: I'm waiting=astept I'm going to wait=O sa astept I will wait=voi astepta i was waiting=asteptam I was going to wait=era sa astept i have been waiting=eu asteptam(cred)
Răspuns de Dya01

(depinde de ce timpuri ai invatat)

1. Present simple: wait

2. Present continuos: waiting

3. Past tense simple: waited

4. Past tense continuos: was waiting

5. Present perfect simple: have waited

6. Present perfect continuos: have been waiting

7. Past perfect simple: had waited

8. Past perfect continuos: had been waiting

9. Future simple: will wait

1. He always waits for his friend.

2. He is waiting for his mom to come from the store.

3. He waited two weeks for his package to come.

4. She was waiting for her friend while her parents were at work.

5. I have waited a whole year to get the surprise.

6. I've been waiting for more than an hour. Is she coming?

7. I had waited for my friend and then I went home.

8. I had been waiting for something bad to happen, but everything seemed to be alright.

9. I will wait for my sister at the airport.

bita1116: Nu le poti traduce te rog frumos
bita1116: am invatat 10 verbe
bita1116: timpuri scuze
Dya01: 1. El mereu il asteapta pe prietenul lui. ; 2. El o asteapta pe mama lui sa vina de la magazin. ; 3. El a asteptat 2 saptamani ca sa vina coletul lui. ; 4. Ea o astepta pe prietena ei in timp ce parintii ei erau la serviciu. ; 5. Am asteptat un an intreg ca sa primesc surpriza. ; 6. Astept de mai mult de ora. Mai vine? ; 7. Am asteptat-o pe prietena mea si dupa am mers acasa. ; 8. Am asteptat ca ceva rau sa se intample, dar totul parea in regula. ; 9. O sa o astept pe sora mea la aeroport.
bita1116: mai e si by going too
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