Contine intrebari care trebuiesc traduse in engleza si folosit timpul gramatical corect intre PAST SIMPLE SI PREZENT PERFECT. Propozitiile sunt urmatoarele. 1.El niciodata nu si-a inteles sotia si de aceea ea I-a parasite. 2.De ce esti suparat? Nu sunt suparat,doar putin oboist. 3.Prietenii nostri merg la tara in fiecare vara dar noi preferam muntele. 4.Nu inteleg nimic din lectia aceasta.Poti sa ma ajuti? 5.Parintii mei nu au vizitat niciodata o tara straina. 6.Ai vazut vreodata un tigru? 7.Nu am stiut ca trebuie sa te sun inainte de a veni. 8.Casa mea este spatioasa si luminoasa. 9.Am mare dificultati in intelegerea acestei limbi. 10.Imi place sa fac fotografii si de aceea vreau sa imi cumpar un aparat bun.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Răspuns de
1. He has never understood his wife, so she left him.
2. Why are you upset? I'm not upset, I'm just tired.
3. Our friends go to the country every summer, but we prefer the mountain.
4. I don't understand a thing from this lesson. Can you help me?
5. My parents have never visited a foreign country.
6. Have you ever seen a tiger?
7. I didn't knew I had to call you before I came.
8. My house is large and bright.
9. I have a great difficulty in understanding this language.
10. I like taking photos and that's why I want to buy a professional camera.
2. Why are you upset? I'm not upset, I'm just tired.
3. Our friends go to the country every summer, but we prefer the mountain.
4. I don't understand a thing from this lesson. Can you help me?
5. My parents have never visited a foreign country.
6. Have you ever seen a tiger?
7. I didn't knew I had to call you before I came.
8. My house is large and bright.
9. I have a great difficulty in understanding this language.
10. I like taking photos and that's why I want to buy a professional camera.
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