Continuarea...ofer corona
Partea 2

Răspunsuri la întrebare
Let's roll! ( Să mergem! )
Exercise number 3
Girl: Are you going to give your wife any presents, this year?
Boy: No, I'm not going to give her any presents.
Girl: And, why is that so?
Boy: We've been together for 10 years! I don't know what I could buy her...
Girl: I was thinking, about an engagement ring, what do you say?
Boy: I've already given her an engagement ring! I gave it to her, 2 Valentine's days ago...
Girl: Was she glad when she saw it?
Boy: Yes, she was really happy, when she saw it!
Girl: What about a Smartbox?
Boy: A Smartbox? What is it exactly?
Girl: It is, a box that records, music, tv shows, and entire live videos? But, what do you think, about a vacation?
Boy: Hmmmm... Vouchers.... And we can choose where we can spend a weekend together! That's really nice! Thanks for the advice!
Exercise number 4
( A dialogue, with a Roman, wish me luck! )
Me: Hi, excuse me, where do you live?
Roman: Hello, I live in Rome of course
Me: By curiosity, how many times did you participate in Lupercalia?
Roman: I already, participated three times!
Me: So, how do you spend the time, during the festivity?
Roman: Well, in the morning, I and my girlfriend go for a stroll near the Coliseum, in the afternoon, we play games, and at the night , even better we go to dances!
Me: Oh wow, so what is your favourite celebration yet?
Roman: Oh, now that's easy... It was last year's, me and all my friends went, and we had a lot, but believe me a lot of fun!
Me: That is awesome, by any chance sir, are you going to participate, this year as well?
Roman: Sure I do, and I'm so happy, my friends decided to join me, once again!
Me: Ok, so when will the next festivities be held?
Roman: Oh, it's coming in less than 2 months.
Exercise number 5
Hi Nathaniel,
this is ( your name ), you won't believe the time I had!
The time machine worked, and I went into the past, and interviewed a Roman About Lupercalia... NOW ISN'T THAT CRAZY?
I realised, how Valentine's Day has its roots coming from Lupercalia.
Now as I hear, you ask, I'm going to respond, now this Lupercalia celebration, is kind of like Valentine's Day...
So, when the day comes, the Romans and their girlfriends spend the day, by going for a stroll near the Coliseum, and even better in the evening, they play games!
You, know what's even better? AT NIGHT they go to dances, and do a lot of fun things....
You know they may celebrate differently, from what we do, but the important thing, is that the concept remained, the same, intact. I hear you asking what do I mean?
Well, you see on both occasions, people confess their true love to someone, and have fun, all day!
Anyways, I hope to hear back from you soon, Nathaniel.
Your dear, ( your name )
( I hope this answer is useful, and that you have a great day, remember, remain brainiac! :D )
( Sper că acest răspuns, ți-e util și că vei avea o zi minunată, ține minte, rămâi brainiac :D )