Engleza, întrebare adresată de iarovoicristian, 9 ani în urmă

Continue the fairy tale : Once upon a time there was a princess. She was as beautiful as a fairy . She was a very special princess. When she started to talk, everything changed around. If she was cheerful and joyful, the flowers bloomed, and the birds sang. And if she was sad or angry, the flowers died, and the birds stopped singing. All citizens of the Kingdom tried not to upset their Princess and they did everything possible to make her fun and merry. Va rog dau Coroana!

iarovoicristian: te rog nu copia de undeva
iarovoicristian: maine e ziua mea si trebuie sa imi fac temele bine asa ca vreau sa fie cinstit te rog

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Fujosh4life
the princess, despite being beautiful, was very selfish and cold. but it has not always been so. her parents died of a rare disease. and since then she has remained alone. she always felt alone and sad, despite being a servant everywhere. she had no friends except a little dragon called Tim. One day an old lady came to the castle saying she wanted to talk to the princess. The guards did not consider the woman to be trustworthy because she could be a witch. there were many witches who wanted to kidnap her princess and steal her beauty. the impostor insists. but the guards did not leave him. Eventually, the woman left, but before she left she said she would come back and regret it. the guards did not take him seriously, but the woman was hiding some evil intentions for the princess. she was one of the witches who were going to hurt her princess. the princess was in her nude room. one day, two did not happen otherwise. but on the third day, three women with cape and the woman at the gate of the castle defended themselves. the other two were her sisters. they were planning to attack the castle. they need the princess's soul to awaken an ancient demon that will serve them and help them immerse the world into an eternal darkness. the soldiers of the castle gave everything they could to fight, but the witches were too strong. the princess saw everything in her room and panic. he did not know what to do, to hide, to help. she takes his dragon Tim in his arms. the witches have little to reach the princess. the soldiers were squatting with everyone. but the witches did not expect one thing. he was not just a little dragon. he was the ancient dragon of the element of fire. was the most powerful of the ancient dragons. he was brought to the princess since he was just a simple egg. he was raised by the princess and became loyal as a princess. the dargul tim and took the real form. he was as big as the castle. he had scales like a lava. and blowing flame. from a single sulfur he turned the witch into ashes. after everything the princess did not want to believe. NU MAI AM IDEI

iarovoicristian: wow
iarovoicristian: mersi
Utilizator anonim: wow
Utilizator anonim: impresionant
Utilizator anonim: !!!!
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