Engleza, întrebare adresată de spataruvasilica91, 8 ani în urmă

copy and complete the email to your English pen-friend about one of your family members in your copy and complete the email to your English pen-friend about one of your family members in your notebook​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AlexandraHagiu


Pai trebuie sa faci un text (un e-mail) către un prieten de a tau in engleza si sa spui despre un membru al familiei tale


Un ex despre familia mea:

Hi my name is Alexandra and i will show you my family members! First is my mom, my mom is really kind and nice, she is 46 year's old (she has short brown hair).

Sper ca te am ajutat (coroana?). 3>

spataruvasilica91: ms
AlexandraHagiu: cpl
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