Engleza, întrebare adresată de hatzjohn016, 8 ani în urmă

Copy and complete the magazine
( buy decide . go. have . make . orderplan. use)
You need a number of life skills if you want to be
independent. You should ... (1) how to spend your
money so that you always ... (2) enough. You have
to be able to ... (3) a meal, as you can't always ... (4)
a takeaway. When you ... (5) shopping for food, it's
a good idea to make a list and only ... (6) what you
need. It's useful to know how to ... (7) a washing
machine and vacuum cleaner.
Don't listen to peer pressure. Be strong, and .. (8) to do things the way you want to
do them.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Amymoon


1) decide

2) have

3) make

4) order

5) go

6) buy

7) use

8) plan

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