Engleza, întrebare adresată de ditasilviu9, 9 ani în urmă

Corectati greselile din propozitiile:
1. My father was born on the seven of June.
2. We always go to the seaside on the fifteen of August
3. Tey built the ship in ninety-eighty eight (1988).
4. She will come in the sixth of December.
5. My parents got married on 1990.
6. Mary's birthday is on the twenty-sven of May.
7. We went to bahamas on 2010.
8. We celebrate our birthdays toghether, in the tenth of March.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Silhouette66
1. the seventh
2. fifteenth
3. they, nineteen
4. come on
5. in 1990
6. Twenty seventh
7. in 2010
8. together, on the tenth
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