Engleza, întrebare adresată de diana03102005, 9 ani în urmă

!!COROANA!! Rezumat în engleză pentru textul "The story of the Good Place" de mai jos pe care l-am tradus eu!Vă rog cât mai repede!!!Să fie corect scris și neapărat tradus în engleză!!

  "In timpul domniei Reginei Victoria, traia un om faimos numit Earl din Shaftesburry. A facut tot ce a putut sa schimbe lumea si sa imbunatateasca viata in timpul in care traia. Si-a petrecut toata viata pentru a ajuta saracii, si in general neajutoratii si copiii.
  In acele zile erau multi baieti si fete nefericite in Anglia. Nu erau scoli gratuite si copiii mici trebuiau a munci in loc a merge la scoala.
Poate micii curatatori de seminee erau cei mai nefericiti. Semineele erau foarte inguste inauntru incat doar baietii mici, sau chiar fetele, puteau sa le curete.
  Atunci cand maturatorul mergea la o casa dimineata devreme, avea un baietel cu el. Saracul lui coleg micut trebuia sa-si scoata toate hainele, apoi trimis in interiorul ingustului semineu. Daca plangea si nu ar fi mers, ar fi folst batut. Trebuia sa urce, periand cosul de fum im timp ce mergea. Funingina era turnata pe el, si ii umplea ochii si urechile. Totusi trebuia sa urce. Cand in cele din urma ajungea in varf, striga "maturat" pentru ca stapanul acestuia a stii ca treaba este facuta. Toata ziua baietelul lucra. Noaptea, murdar cum er, se culca pe o punga de funingina. Se spune ca unii mici curatatori de seminee nu au avut o baie pentru un an intreg.
  Lui Earl din Shaftesburry ii parea foarte rau pentru acesti baieti. El vorbea adesea despre ei in Parlament si nu a fost multumit pana nu a adoptat o lege, astfel incat niciun copil n-o sa mai fie trimis in cosuri de fum. Stapanii lor trebuiau sa se descurce fara ei si trebuiau sa gaseasca o cale mai buna de a desfunda cosurile.
  Aceasta lege a schimbat vietile multor copii, dar bunul Earl stia ca erau si alti copii care trebuiau sa munceasca din greu in fabrici, de dimineata devreme pana noaptea tarziu. Ei n-aveau timp sa se joace, ei n-au mers niciodata la scoala.
  Alti copii traiau si munceau in mine. Ei niciodata nu vedeau lumina cerului albastru cu exceptia duminicilor, cand erau adusi din intuneric. Bunul Earl cu greu a reusit sa schimbe vietile lor, de asemenea. In cele din urma, impreuna cu prietenii sai, a reusit sa indrepte si acest lucru. Parlamentul a adoptat o lege potrivit careia niciun baietel sau o fetita nu ar trebui sa lucreze intr-o fabrica sau o mina. Earl a fost , de asemenea, foarte indragit de animale. Nu-i placea sa vada modul in care erau tratati magarii tragand carute si vagabonzii de pe strazile Londrei. El a spus ca va da premii pentru cei mai bine pastrati magari. Nu cu mult timp inainte ca magarii din Londa sa fie cei mai buni din tara. Earl avea un magar frumos, cu numele lui pe el. Daca un om era prea sarac pentru a cumpara un magar pentru a-si transporta binele pe piata, Earl il imprumuta pe al lui. El a fost sigur ca va avea o vanzare buna, deoarece multi oameni erau nerabdatori sa cumpere mere si cartofi de la Earl.
  Earl era, intradevar, un prieten pentru toti cei care aveau probleme. Odata a avut o intalnire ciudata. Toti cei de acolo, cu exceptia lui, erau hoti! Au fost patru sute. El nu se temea de ei. El le-a vorbit si a spus ca poate sa-i ajute sa fie oameni cinstiti. Unii erau foarte bucurosi ca aveau o sansa, iar Earl i-a trimis peste mari. Acolo intr-o tara noua, au reusit sa inceapa o viata mai buna si mai utila.
  Nu e de mirare ca a fost o durere foarte mare cand Earl din Shaftesburry a murit. El si-a petrecut viata facand bine."​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de gmorandi7

E cam lung, părțile subliniate se pot omite la nevoie. Probabil că  Lord Anthony Ashley-Cooper al 7-lea Earl de Shaftesbury e subiectul.

Cine a fost Earl Shaftesbury?

Descrie viata micilor cosari.

Cum a ajutat ?

Cum era viata copiilor in mine? Cum a ajutat Earl Shaftesbury?


In Victorian Britain, lived Lord Anthony Ashley-Cooper, the 7th Earl of Shaftesbury. He was known as the Reforming Lord Shaftesbury and the Poor Man's Earl, and was indeed a very good man. He spent his life helping the poor, the children, the helpless and really anyone who was in need of help.

 Many poor children lived in England in those days. There were no public schools, and children had to work instead of going to school.

 Amongst the most ill fated were the little chimney sweepers. The fireplaces were so narrow, only a small child could fit inside.

 And so when the master sweeper went to a place, he had a boy with him. The little guy had to remove all his clothes, and would then be sent inside of the narrow fireplace. If the child was too scared to go in, he would be beaten. Very hard work, with climbing and cleaning at the same time, was involved. The activity lasted all day long. At night, dirty and tired, the child went to bed on a bag of soot. It is said that in a whole year some children wouldn’t take one single bath.

 Lord Ashley felt very bad for these little boys. So, he spoke on their behalf in the Parliament, until a new law was adopted to the effect that no child would be sent to the chimney cleaning work again. Their masters had to do without them, perhaps by finding better chimneys sweeping methods.

 This law changed the lives of many children; however, the Earl knew that there were yet other children who were suffering too, working in factories from dawn till dusk. They could not play, and they never went to school.

 Still other children lived and worked in mines every day. They did not get to see the light of day, with the exception of  Sundays, when they were brought back to the surface. Together with his friends, the good Lord Ashley eventually managed to ease their situation, as Parliament passed a law and no boy or girl was allowed to work in factories and mines any longer.

The Earl of Shaftesbury was also very fond of animals. He did not like seeing the cart-pulling donkeys in London being ill treated. Neither did he like tramps on the streets of London. He announced that he would give prizes for the best-kept donkeys. Not long after this announcement got out, London’s donkeys turned the best looking in the country.

Lord Ashley had a beautiful donkey with his name marked on it’s back. If a man was too poor to buy a donkey for carrying their goods to the market, the Earl would lend them the marked donkey. The man was thus sure to have a good sale, because many people would eagerly buy apples and potatoes from the Earl.

 Being a friend to all who had problems, the Earl was fearless, too. He, once, set an extraordinary meeting. He spoke to four hundred thieves. He was not afraid at all. He spoke to them and explained that he could help them become honest men. Some of the thieves were very happy at the idea of getting a chance of a better life. And so the Earl sent them overseas, where they started a better and more useful life.

 When Earl Shaftesbury died, it was a tremendous loss. People from all ways of lives were grieving all over England. He had spent his entire life doing good deeds.


chimney sweeper, master sweeper = dacă altul a fost cuvântul folosit în lecție, se cere scris astfel. Caută să te găndești. Dacă nu înțelegi ceva, pune întrebări.

E un punct de pornire, editează, cu cuvintele tale.

Dezvoltă - răspunde cu cuvintele tale la întrebări despre text, asfel facând fără ajutor un rezumat.

diana03102005: Meris muult!
gmorandi7: Cu plăcere ✔︎
diana03102005: Mersi*
gmorandi7: ✔︎:)
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