Engleza, întrebare adresată de euisbaza, 9 ani în urmă

Coroana si puncte... Urgent

Completati spatile punctate cu urmatoarele cuvinte : along, demanding, Expeditions, exploration, face, from, in, interest, involve, it, luck, of, of, only, satisfaction, sufficient, the, training, vacantion

Se da textul: The increasing...... in exploration is reflected in......growth of companies which specialise.......holidaylenght expedition to the foothills......the Himalayas , Africa and South America. Such tours are unlikely to.......real danger but they offer......challenge to allow the traveller some......the achievement of full-scale......
It is difficult to draw a line that divides exploration from...... . ..........may a range from packaged adventures......... well-known routes to a ....... assault on some remote mountain......where survival relies on good......., technical skill, judgement and good...... .


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de elenapartulescu
The increasing  INTEREST in exploration is reflected in. THE growth of companies which specialise. ON holiday lenght expedition to the foothills.IN .the Himalayas , Africa and South America. Such tours are unlikely to.INVOLVE.real danger but they offer...SUFFICIENT..challenge to allow the traveller some OF..the achievement of full-scale. TRAINING
It is difficult to draw a line that divides exploration from VACANTION. . ......IT....may arange from packaged adventures..OF. well-known routes to a .DEMANDING. assault on some remote mountain. EXPLORATION..where survival relies on good.TRAINING., technical skill, judgement and good. SATISFACTION .

euisbaza: Multumesc
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