Engleza, întrebare adresată de Stelutza1233, 9 ani în urmă

Use the words comprehend, from time to time, to review, mastery, expected, to facilitate instead of those underlined in the sentences below:
a) Gues from abroad visit our English Speaking Club (occasionally).
b) Nick tried to (understand) the idea of the story.
c) The class/form master (supported) the club president's initiative.
d) In his letter, my friend Billy highly appreciated my good (skills) in grammar.
e) Shall we (revise) the list of equipment we need for our English Classroom?
d) The members of the club (awaited) the speaker's arrival.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de elenagsutin
Scuze de scris mi-am amintit ca am facut acest ex

Stelutza1233: Nu-i nimic...Dar vreau sa intreb exercitiul este controlat de profesor?
elenagsutin: Da
Stelutza1233: Dar ai doar ,,a,b,c"?
elenagsutin: Celelalte erau pe altă pagină dar nu puteam pune două fotografii
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