Engleza, întrebare adresată de Bbmaria, 8 ani în urmă

Correct the mistakes
1 Sally knows Jim for about six months.
2 At ten o' clock last night, Iam baking an apple pie.
3 Pollution in cities becomes a serious problem.
4 Who are you talking to just now?
5 Julie writes five letters so far.
6 This time next week, Claire is flying to America.
7 We have visited our cousins last weekend.
8 The train from London is arriving at 1.15.
9 Shall you open the door for me, please?
10 I'm tired. I had been working hard all day.
11 She was used to play tennis when she was younger.
12 I will call Sam when I will have finished my homework.
13 We have done the shopping by the time the shops closed.
14 She talks on the telephone at the moment.
15 Susan can walk the dog when she will come home.
16 He had waited for half an hour before his friend arrived.
17 Paul will finish writing the report by lunchtime.
18 I am walking to school every day.
19 Last night, I am watching TV when the phone rang.
20 By the end of June, I will be working here for six months.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de MissTrick

1 Sally has known Jim for about six months.
2 At ten o' clock last night, I was baking an apple pie.
3 Pollution in cities has becomes a serious problem.
4 Who were you talking to just now?
5 Julie has written five letters so far.
6 This time next week, Claire will be flying to America.
7 We visited our cousins last weekend.
8 The train from London arrives at 1.15.
9 Can you open the door for me, please?
10 I'm tired. I have been working hard all day.
11 She used to play tennis when she was younger.
12 I will call Sam when I finish my homework.
13 We had done the shopping by the time the shops closed.
14 She is talking on the telephone at the moment.
15 Susan can walk the dog when she comes home.
16 He had been waiting for half an hour before his friend arrived.
17 Paul will have finished writing the report by lunchtime.
18 I walk to school every day.
19 Last night, I was watching TV when the phone rang.
20 By the end of June, I will have worked here for six months.
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