Engleza, întrebare adresată de raulpauna34, 8 ani în urmă

Correct the mistakes:
1. There are a glass on the table.
2. I has got a tooth brush in the bathroom
3. Jack and Jill are play tennis.
4. Does your friend knows English?
5. My sister is a girl nice.

Dau coroana​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Purp13R0ses



2.have got

3.are playing


5.nice girl.


raulpauna34: mss
Răspuns de alisa48464893


1. There is a glass on the table. (We write "are" only when it is at plural)

2. I have got a toothbrush in the bathroom. (As the subject of a sentence or clause, a personal pronoun can be in the first person (I, we), the second person (you), or the third person(he, she, it, they).)

3. Jack and Jill are playing tennis. (Past Continuous Tense)

4. Does your friend know English? (The verb knows is incorrect with the helping verb "Does".)

5. My sister is a nice girl. (Misplaced word)

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