Engleza, întrebare adresată de alexdumitrescu, 9 ani în urmă

Correct the sentences and say what type each mistake is.
I like a coffee, please.
We'd like two limonades, please.
No, thank you. I not want a drink.
Where were you last afternoon?
He weren't at work yesterday.
Shed like a mineral water.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de AndreiStefan20202
1. Speling    I would like a coffee, please
2. Grammar  We would like two limonade,please
3. Spelling  No, thank you. i don't want a drink
4. Nu vad nimic gresit la Where were you last afternoon?
5. Grammar  He wasn't at work yesterday.
6.Grammar  She would like a mineral water

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Matematică, 9 ani în urmă