Engleza, întrebare adresată de jeejungwoo75, 8 ani în urmă

Create a report in which you talk about opening a new shoe store in the city......
va rog mult,va dau coroana si follow
am nevoie de un discurs ca atunci cand gen se deschide un magazin de incaltaminte si acolo se duce un reporter sa faca raportaj.....VA ROG MULT​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de yumaa456


hello deqr spectators today we are going to present you one of the best shoe stores in the center of our beautiful city. here you can find shoes from search of a brands like Nike Adidas and rebook you can also find like Dr matters boots and Jimmy Choo newest designer shoes we are we are at debonairs on Stefan the great Street the second floor of the gemeni mall. virgulele si propozitiile le alegi singur

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