Engleza, întrebare adresată de wwwwwww, 9 ani în urmă

Cross out the wrong pronoun.
2. Mary goes to a dance, and Henry goes with( her, she).
3. We know(them,they) very well, and they know (we, us).
4. I see (she, her) in the classroom, and she sees (me, I).
5. He telephones to(she, her) every day and tells(she,her) the news.
6. He speaks English to(we, us), and (we, us) speak English to(he, him).
7. She speaks English to (I, me), and(I, me) speak English to (she, her).
8. They write to( she, her), and (she,her) writes to( they, them).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Berosiuta
Trebuie sa tai cuvintele:
2. she
3. they
4. she
5. she
6. we | us | he
7. I | me | she
8. she | her | they

asta inseamnaca le pastrezi pe celelalte pe care nu ti-am zis sa le tai

wwwwwww: Adica astea care mi le-ai zi tu le tai?
Berosiuta: da
Berosiuta: fiindca asta it cere exercitiul
Berosiuta: sa tai ce e gresit
wwwwwww: mersi mult de tot!
wwwwwww: La 4 e me sau I?
Berosiuta: me.. nu l am vazut pe ala. scuze
Berosiuta: stai...me e corect, adica taie-l pe I
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