Engleza, întrebare adresată de alinutzacleo2, 10 ani în urmă

cum se face o scrisoare semi-formala in care trebuie sa inviti pe cineva la un restaurant si sa ii dai toate detaliile despre el

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Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

Dear Mrs. Brown,

My older daughter is eleven next week and I am writing this letter to invite you to a family dinner tomorrow evening. I know that you`ve been her nanny for only one week but she is very fond of you and insisted on asking. We all would be very happy if you came, but Mary would be the happiest.

The address of the restaurant is, 45, Moon Street. We`ll get together there at 7 o`clock. It will be an experience like no other. The blend of meat stews, vegetarian dishes, curries, vegetables, spices and sauces remind you of the rich flavor of life as well as connecting you to the people you are eating with.

Thank you very much! I hope  you confirm your presence.

Best regards,

Tom Stevens


Sa ne reamintim cateva lucruri importante despre scrisoarea semi-formala:

- este scrisa unei persoane cunoscute dar nu neaparat prieten;

- nu este nevoie sa scriem adresa , ca in cazul scrisorii formale;

- formula de adresare poate fi " Dear Mr/Miss/Mrs"

- invitatia trebuie sa fie scurta, clara, fara multa vorbarie;

- este nevoie de cateva detalii despre ce se va intampla;

- formula de incheiere poate fi: Yours sincerely/ Best/ Best regards, etc.

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