Engleza, întrebare adresată de BrainSupreme, 8 ani în urmă

D. Choose the correct particle(s).
5x15 p.
1. Our car runs on/off/by unleaded petrol.
2. As I couldn't dial direct, I called the operator to put mc off/on/through.
3. While she was ill, Polly fell away/back/behind with her school work.
4. Jill was so busy that she had to put aside/off/on her hairdresser's appointment.
5. After fainting. Chris didn't come over/round/back until she was taken to hospital.
E. Fill in the correct preposition(s).

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dariusgeorge780


1. off

2. on

3. away

4. on

5. back

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