Limba română, întrebare adresată de madalinaaintratinbek, 8 ani în urmă

D Complete the passage with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or Present Continuous. If you 1.................... (love) surfing and 2....................want.) to get a university degree, you should go to Plymouth University in Britain. Students who 3....... Sund can now do a degree in surfing, and make a career of it. While surfing 4.............. (look) easy when you Suz.............. (surf) three or four times a week for fun watch from the beach, getting a degree is quite hard to achieve. Jim and Helen are in their last year of school, and 5........ (take) their A-levels this summer. They both 6.. (own) surfboards, but (not surf) much these days. They 8. they 7........... levels. They 9. (study) very hard for their A- (know) the academic requirements for acceptance to the surfing course are high, and the course itself is also hard. It 10......... (include) oceanography, marine biology, ecology and the design of wetsuits and surfboards, as well as actual surfing. But Jim and Helen both .....(believe) it's worth the effort. Let's wish them luck. Am facut si eu putin, va rog sa continuati repede ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Elenastanciu123
Love, want, surf, looks, surf, Take, own, don’t surf, study, includes, believe

Toate sunt la fel ca in cerința sau tabel. Inafara the 10 unde pui un “S” la sfârșit, și la propoziția negativă unde pui “ don’t surf “.
Sper ca V-am ajutat!
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