Engleza, întrebare adresată de stefyclaudia2006, 8 ani în urmă

Dacă as alege o singura persoana care sa-mi fie erou, aceasta ar fi Brienna. Este personajul meu preferat și dacă ar exista cu adevărat, as vrea sa o întâlnesc. Brienna este un personaj fictiv din Seria Destinul Reginei (pe care o recomand apropo), dar  chiar și asa, eu cred ca avem ce invata din caracterul ei puternic. Nu a avut o viata ușoară. Nu si-a cunoscut niciodată parintii, mama ei murind la vârsta de 3 ani, iar despre tatăl ei nu știa nimic deoarece bunicul ei nu a vrut sa-l pomenească niciodată. Acesta a dus-o pe Brienna la 10 ani intr-o casa a cunoașterii, o școală în care își putea dezvolta pasiunea, doar ca ea nu a știut niciodată ce-i place cu adevărat, asa ca a ales în fiecare an câte o pasiune, încercându-le pe toate. Pana la urma CUNOASTEREA a fost singura pasiune care o atrăgea, dar în 3 ani rămași, din 7, nu erau suficienți, asa ca Brienna a muncit de 3-4 ori mai mult. În anul în care termina acești ani de ,,tortura,, , a fost  lovita de amintirile strămoșilor și si-a aflat originile. Dar asta nu a făcut-o mai fericita, dar împlinirea sufletului ei a fost destulă. Aflarea adevărului despre tatăl ei, i-a zdruncinat complet viziunea, dar a reușit sa scape din ,,ghearele lupului ,, , a ales partea care merita ajutorul ei, și a ținut capul sus. O astfel de alegere nu este ușoară, de asta o admir pe Brienna, pentru ca a fost tare. Sa alegi dintre propriul tău neam, adică tatăl tău și,,tatăl,, care te-a ajutat sa ajungi în tarile de proveniență, pare simplu, dar nu este atunci când știi adevărul. După război, Brienna s-a lovit de spusele lumii. ,,Copilul Trădătorului,, care acum vrea sa-i ajute pe cei care o duc mai rau ca ea, oamenilor li se părea ciudat, ba chiar sceptic. Dar Brienna a trecut peste și le-a demonstrat contrariul. Imi place Brienna. O admir din toată inima și mereu am vrut sa am puterea, curajul, determinarea, ambiția și respectul ei. Gândirea ei matura, si modul în care gândește fiecare situație și descoperă lucrurile pe care alții nu le vad, mi se pare un lucru fantastic. VREAU SA FIU CA EA CAND O SA CRESC.
Imi puteți traduce textul va rog??​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de lde22lde


If I could choose one person to be my hero, it would be Brienna. She is my favorite character and if she really existed, I would love to meet her. Brienna is a fictional character in the Queen's Destiny Series (which I recommend by the way), but even so, I think we have something to learn from her strong character. He did not have an easy life. She never met her parents, her mother dying at the age of 3, and she knew nothing about her father because her grandfather never wanted to mention him. He took Brienna to the age of 10 in a house of knowledge, a school where she could develop her passion, only she never knew what she really liked, so she chose a passion every year. , trying them all. In the end, KNOWLEDGE was the only passion that attracted her, but in the remaining 3 years, out of 7, they were not enough, so Brienna worked 3-4 times more. In the year that ended these years of "torture", she was struck by the memories of her ancestors and found out her origins. But that did not make her happier, but the fulfillment of her soul was enough. Finding out the truth about her father completely shook her vision, but she managed to escape the "wolf's claws", chose the part that deserved her help, and kept her head up. Such a choice is not easy, that's why I admire Brienna, because she was strong. Choosing between your own people, that is, your father, and the "father," who helped you get to your home country, seems simple, but it is not when you know the truth. After the war, Brienna was struck by the words of the world. The "Child of the Traitor" who now wants to help those who are worse off than she is, seemed strange and even skeptical to people. But Brienna went over and proved them wrong. I like Brienna. I admire her wholeheartedly and I always wanted her strength, courage, determination, ambition and respect. Her mature thinking, and the way she thinks about each situation and discovers things that others don't see, seems like a fantastic thing to me. I WANT TO BE LIKE HER WHEN I GROW UP.

O coroana daca doresti

Răspuns de Peter77


If I could choose one person to be my hero, it would be Brienna. She is my favorite character and if she really existed, I would love to meet her. Brienna is a fictional character in the Queen's Destiny Series (which I recommend by the way), but even so, I think we have something to learn from her strong character. He did not have an easy life. She never met her parents, her mother dying at the age of 3, and she knew nothing about her father because her grandfather never wanted to mention him. He took Brienna to the age of 10 in a house of knowledge, a school where she could develop her passion, only she never knew what she really liked, so she chose a passion every year. , trying them all. In the end, KNOWLEDGE was the only passion that attracted her, but in the remaining 3 years, out of 7, they were not enough, so Brienna worked 3-4 times more. In the year that ended these years of "torture", she was struck by the memories of her ancestors and found out her origins. But that did not make her happier, but the fulfillment of her soul was enough. Finding out the truth about her father completely shook her vision, but she managed to escape the "wolf's claws", chose the part that deserved her help, and kept her head up. Such a choice is not easy, that's why I admire Brienna, because she was strong. Choosing between your own people, that is, your father, and the "father," who helped you get to your home country, seems simple, but it is not when you know the truth. After the war, Brienna was struck by the words of the world. The "Child of the Traitor" who now wants to help those who are worse off than she is, seemed strange and even skeptical to people. But Brienna went over and proved them wrong. I like Brienna. I admire her wholeheartedly and I always wanted her strength, courage, determination, ambition and respect. Her mature thinking, and the way she thinks about each situation and discovers things that others don't see, seems like a fantastic thing to me. I WANT TO BE LIKE HER WHEN I GROW UP.

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