Engleza, întrebare adresată de bau777, 8 ani în urmă

dati exemple de propozitii cu verbele la timpurile :
-present simplu
-present continiu
-trecut simplu
-trecut continiu
-prezent perfect
-prezent perfect continiu
-trecut perfect continiu
-trecut perfect(mmcp)​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de mirceadelia11

Prezent simplu : Eu si cu el mergem la magazin

Răspuns de Crinaole

Present Simple: He takes the train to work every morning.

Present Continous: I'm always meeting Sara when I go shopping.

Present Perfect: Rachel has had the dog for three years.

Present Perfect Continous: Sam has been talking on the phone for half an hour.

Past Simple: They always enjoyed visiting their friends.

Past Continous: The children were doing their homework when I got home.

Past Perfect: She had lived in Liverpool all her life.

Past Perfect Continous: Everything was wet. It had been raining for hours.

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