Engleza, întrebare adresată de TheCrazyeWolf, 9 ani în urmă

Dati-mi va rog frumos 10 propozitii in engleza cu ankle care inseamna glezna

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de naomyranghiuc
I hurt my ankle. She has her ankle broken. You scratch your ankle. My ankle is healing I hope my ankle is not injury I stepped wrong so my ankle is hurt My ortoped doctor gave my some drugs for my ankle pain. I won't be able to play football again because I hurt my ankle I can't imagine something more painful than a broken ankle You should stay in bed until your ankle is healing

TheCrazyeWolf: Multumesc
Răspuns de viogeoionut
My ankle hurts and I want to see a doctor. I have a hit on my left ankle.The sprained ankle caused us to cut short the vacation. I bought ankle boots. My ankle was swollen very hard. I have a small scar on my right ankle. I have to take a seat, my ankle hurts. Mary pants are up to the ankle. I tripped on a stone, twisting my ankle. River water was up to the ankle.

Maria11121: As vrea si eu o descriere a unei persoane,descrierea fizică dar și cum este ca persoană. Va roog!Am mare nevoie urgent! Va rog!! Mulțumesc!!
Maria11121: În engleză îmi trebuie!! te rog
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