Engleza, întrebare adresată de ByaXD, 9 ani în urmă

Dau 100 de puncte pt,cel care ma ajuta sa fac o scrisoare in engleza despre o piesa de teatru (sa spun cum se numeste,cate personaje a avut si etc,).!!!!!!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Alekz
Yesterday I went to the theater with my best friend (nume prieten/a) and we saw the best play ever! I was named Snow White! The queen gives birth to a baby girl who is as white as snow and has lips red as blood. They name her Snow White, but sadly, the Queen dies after giving birth to her. It was about how a young girl, of course named Snow White, goes through many adventures after her dad, the king, marries another woman. One day when her step-mother asked her mirror who was the fairest of all, it replied Snow White. The evil queen was so jealous that it gave orders to the hunter to kill her, and so the hunter took her into the jungle. But Snow White was so innocent that the hunter could not kill her, and instead of her heart, he brought back a pig's heart. Snow White ran away and there she met the 7 dwarfs, and so she started to live with them. After asking again the mirror, the queen was furious again and decided to take the matters into her own hands. She brought some poisoned apples to Snow White and so she fell asleep. The dwarfs chased after the evil queen and finally she fell off a cliff. But at the end of the day, they thought Snow White was dead, but then a beautiful prince comes and kisses her. Suddenly, she wakes up and everyone is surprised... and they lived happily ever after.

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