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2. Fill in the blanks with the verbs below.
Completeaza spatiile libere cu verbele de mai jos.
a. to read (smth.) silently - a citi (ceva) in liniste
b. to flick (through smth.) - a arunca o privire (prin ceva)
c. to read (smth.) aloud/out - a citi (ceva) cu voce tare
d. to skim (through/over smth.) - a parcurge in graba (prin/peste ceva)
e. to scan (smth.) - a trece repede peste (ceva)
f. to browse (to smth) - a rasfoi (prin ceva)
A book shop is sometimes a funny place! It's as much a place to browse (1) as to actually BUY books.
Un magazin de carti este uneori un loc distractiv! Este la fel de mult un loc de rasfoit (1) cat si de cumparat carti.
Some people are not willing to buy the books they want or need. So, what do you think they do ? You can see many of them silently reading (2) even longer texts, trying hard not to be noticed by others.
Unii oameni nu vor sa cumpere cartile pe care si le doresc sau de care au nevoie. Si ce credeti ca fac ei ? Ii puteti vedea pe multi dintre ei citind in liniste (2) chiar texte mai lungi, incercand din greu sa nu fie observati de altii.
Children usually just flick through (3) picture-box because they are fun. They are doing it in a hurry; they know only too well it's no use asking their parents to buy them all!
Copiii de obicei doar arunca o privire prin (3) poze deoarece acestea sunt amuzante. Fac asta in graba; stiu prea bine ca nu le foloseste la nimic sa le ceara parintilor sa cunmpere toate aceste carti.
You can very often hear people reading aloud (4) whole sentences, if not paragraphs out of the books commenting on most of them.
Puteti auzi foarte frevcent oameni citind cu voce tare (4) propozitii intregi, daca nu paragrafe din carti comentand la cele mai multe dintre ele.
College students just skim through (5) thick books and jot what they need for tomorrow's classes. Don't blame them for this! They simply don't have the money to buy those expensive tomes.
Studentii doar trec in graba prin (5) cartile groase si iau notitele de care au nevoie pentru cursurile din ziua urmatoare. Nu ii invinuiti pentru asta! Pur si simplu nu au bani sa cumpere toate acele volume groase.
There are those serious-looking people - wearing spectacles, most of them - who never fail to scan (6) at least the blurb and the preface to a book, before they decide whether to buy it or not. They want to see if it is really worth the money. They are, as you must have guessed, teachers!
Sunt si acei oameni seriosi - cei mai multi cu cohelari - care niciodata nu gresesc in a scana (6) macar prefata si prezentarea unei carti, inainte ca sa decida daca o cumpara sau nu. Vor sa vada daca intr-adevar merita banii. Ei sunt, asa cum ati ghicit, profesori!
Completeaza spatiile libere cu verbele de mai jos.
a. to read (smth.) silently - a citi (ceva) in liniste
b. to flick (through smth.) - a arunca o privire (prin ceva)
c. to read (smth.) aloud/out - a citi (ceva) cu voce tare
d. to skim (through/over smth.) - a parcurge in graba (prin/peste ceva)
e. to scan (smth.) - a trece repede peste (ceva)
f. to browse (to smth) - a rasfoi (prin ceva)
A book shop is sometimes a funny place! It's as much a place to browse (1) as to actually BUY books.
Un magazin de carti este uneori un loc distractiv! Este la fel de mult un loc de rasfoit (1) cat si de cumparat carti.
Some people are not willing to buy the books they want or need. So, what do you think they do ? You can see many of them silently reading (2) even longer texts, trying hard not to be noticed by others.
Unii oameni nu vor sa cumpere cartile pe care si le doresc sau de care au nevoie. Si ce credeti ca fac ei ? Ii puteti vedea pe multi dintre ei citind in liniste (2) chiar texte mai lungi, incercand din greu sa nu fie observati de altii.
Children usually just flick through (3) picture-box because they are fun. They are doing it in a hurry; they know only too well it's no use asking their parents to buy them all!
Copiii de obicei doar arunca o privire prin (3) poze deoarece acestea sunt amuzante. Fac asta in graba; stiu prea bine ca nu le foloseste la nimic sa le ceara parintilor sa cunmpere toate aceste carti.
You can very often hear people reading aloud (4) whole sentences, if not paragraphs out of the books commenting on most of them.
Puteti auzi foarte frevcent oameni citind cu voce tare (4) propozitii intregi, daca nu paragrafe din carti comentand la cele mai multe dintre ele.
College students just skim through (5) thick books and jot what they need for tomorrow's classes. Don't blame them for this! They simply don't have the money to buy those expensive tomes.
Studentii doar trec in graba prin (5) cartile groase si iau notitele de care au nevoie pentru cursurile din ziua urmatoare. Nu ii invinuiti pentru asta! Pur si simplu nu au bani sa cumpere toate acele volume groase.
There are those serious-looking people - wearing spectacles, most of them - who never fail to scan (6) at least the blurb and the preface to a book, before they decide whether to buy it or not. They want to see if it is really worth the money. They are, as you must have guessed, teachers!
Sunt si acei oameni seriosi - cei mai multi cu cohelari - care niciodata nu gresesc in a scana (6) macar prefata si prezentarea unei carti, inainte ca sa decida daca o cumpara sau nu. Vor sa vada daca intr-adevar merita banii. Ei sunt, asa cum ati ghicit, profesori!
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