Engleza, întrebare adresată de RalucaRalyy, 9 ani în urmă

Write-yesterday/this morning.
I wrote the letter yesterday.
I have written the letter this morning.

1.GO-last Sunday/today
2.See-2 days ago/recently
3.send- at 2 o'clock/just
4.take-last year/this year
5.drive-last week/this week
6.read-a few days ago/lately
7.bring-in December/alrdeay

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dumitrescdorudaniel
1.I got to his house last sunday
I got to his house today
2. i saw him two days ago eating ice cream
i saw him recently eating ice cream corner
3, i sended the package at 2 o'clock
i sended the package just now
5 i took Miachel to the doctor last year
I took Miachel to the doctor this year
6,i Read a few days ago about a New toy comeing to Romania
I read lately that there will be a new toy comeing to Romania
7. i Brought in the criminal to the police station
I bringed the criminal near the police station
Sper ca te-am ajutat

dumitrescdorudaniel: am incurcat putzintel ordinea
dumitrescdorudaniel: am uitat de drive
dumitrescdorudaniel: uite la drive:
dumitrescdorudaniel: i drove in the shop accidentaly
RalucaRalyy: Nu.i,nimic...
dumitrescdorudaniel: i drive near the shop to stop the acicdent
RalucaRalyy: Mersii...
dumitrescdorudaniel: cu placere
dumitrescdorudaniel: mult noroc
RalucaRalyy: Mulțumeesc!!
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