Engleza, întrebare adresată de necu707, 8 ani în urmă


Read the problems these people have with their friends. Use the information in the text (and your own ideas!) to give them advice. Choose one and write him/her a letter of advice.

1 'Rick, my best friend, is 1.75 m. tall and a fantastic basketball player. I'm very jealous and would love to be as good as him.'

2 'My best friend went out with other people from school and she didn't ask me to go. Does this mean we aren't best friends any more?

3 'My broother isn't very good at his schoolwork, but when he good marks my parents buy him presents. I always get good marks but they dont't do the same for me. I think they don't love me as much as him.'

Clasa a 8a pagina 17/ex 13

Nu raspundeti daca nu sunteti siguri, mersi.
Dau coroana si 40 de puncte daca este corect
va rog ajutati ma. Multumesc anticipat.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de tagacosmin2


3. That doesn't means that your parents dont love you same as him but maybe he always takes bad marks and they dont buy him presents but when he takes good marks your parents buy him presents because he doesn't take as much good marks as you and maybe your parents buyed you alot of presents because of the marks and dont buy now.

Nu am mai stiut ce sa scriu , imi pare rau.

necu707: mersi , este ok si asa dar as mai avea nevoie si de ce celelalte 2 deoarece am un proiect de facut cu acest exercitiu pt scoala.
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