Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Give advice to a friend in these situations .How many different pieces of advice can you think you?

EXAMPLE: He/She has got very bad cold ,but he/she is thinking of going out to a disco tis evening.
I would stay at home if I were you.
You shouldn't go out.
Why don't you take some aspirin and go to bed?

1) He/She feels very unfit and has a bad cough.You know he/she smokes a lot and dousen't take enough exercise.

2)He/She has lost his/her cheque book and credit cards.

3)He/She bought a new CD yesterday.Now he/she finds there is somenthing wrong with it.

4) It is late at night.He/She is thinking of riding home on a bicycle without lights.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de irinateleoaca
1.You should exercise and give up smoking. I would do that if I were you. 2. You should go to the police. You'd better close your accounts. 3. Why don't you go back and have it changed? 4. I would ride my bike with the lights on if I were you. You should turn the lights on while riding your bike at night.
Răspuns de Giigii
1)I would quit smoking if I were you. You shouldn't smoke so much. You should do some outdoor activities,jogging for example. 2) If I were you,I would block my account. You should go to your bank and block your credit cards too. 3) I would take the CD back to the store if I were you. You should ask for a refund,or ask for a new one instead. 4) I wouldn't get on a bicycle without lights if I were you. You should get a cab,and come back for your bicycle tomorrow. You could leave it in my garage until tomorrow.
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