Dau 98 de puncte + coroană

Răspunsuri la întrebare
1.Who is the targeted reader?
In the first case the targeted reader is the student and in the second one it is the other politicians that are in that delegation.
2.The reason for writing in the first text is to inform and to attract more customers.In the second one the reason is to present,share about the education system in my country.
3.In the first one you need to be less formal,and in the second you have to be very formal.
4.I would use about 4 sections in the first and second one,wth the headings "Road trips vacations offers",respectively"Our University education system "
5.I would include prices,tourist attractions,historical monuments and adventures parks.In the second one i would include laws,examples of how the classes are hold,the level of cappacity and the results of them.
6.I would feature English,german,French,Russian and Italian.
7.I would include reviews,comments and other similar places.(pt prima)
For the second one I wouldn't include something else besdies the important informations already put.