Engleza, întrebare adresată de davialazar0285, 8 ani în urmă

Dau coroana! 10 Fill in the gaps with will/shall or the correct form of be going to and the verb in brackets. A: (1) ...Shall we go... (we/go) to the football match on Saturday? B: I can't. I (2) (help) my sister. A: Oh yes. She is moving house, isn't she? B: That's right. (3) (you/help) us? Yes, I'd like to. What time (4) (l/come) to your house? I'm not sure yet. I (5) B: (probably/ phone) you on Friday to tell you. Is that alright? Yes. I think I (6) A: (be) in then. B: Okay. (7) (we/go) for a walk now? A: I'd rather not. Look at those black clouds. It (8) (rain). Let's stay in .... and watch a video. R. Great idea. A:​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de LauraCh


2B - I will help

3B - Will you help

4B - Shall I come

5B - I will probably

6A - I am

7B - Shall we go

8B - is going to

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