Engleza, întrebare adresată de florentinadeny12, 8 ani în urmă

DAU COROANA 11 Choose the correct words.
Tom Cruise and Will Smith (1) is / are both actors.
They (2) share / are sharing an unusual hobby, too -
they both love fencing. Tom Cruise (3) travels / is
travelling a lot for his job, but when he (4) doesn't
make / isn't making a film he spends a lot of time at
home. In fact, he (5) has / is having a special room in
his house just for fencing and he often (6) practises /
is practising for hours! At the moment, English
football player David Beckham (7) lives / is living in
America and he's playing for an American team.
Apparently he often (8) goes / is going to Tom Cruise's
house to fence with his friends​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Stacyquake1605


Tom Cruise ans Will Smith are both actors.

They share an unusual hobby, too- they both love fencing.

Tom Cruise travels a lot for his job but when he isn't making he spends a lot of time at home. In fact he has a special room in his house just for fencing and he often practices for hours! At the moment, English football player David Beckham lives in America ans he's playing for an american team.

Apparently he often goes to Tom Cruise's house to fence with his friends.

ti-am scris ingrosat varianta corecta, sper ca te-am ajutat :)

Răspuns de Utilizator anonim

Tom Cruise and Will Smith (1) are both actors.

They (2) are sharing an unusual hobby, too -

they both love fencing. Tom Cruise (3) travels

a lot for his job, but when he (4) doesn't

make a film he spends a lot of time at

home. In fact, he (5) has a special room in

his house just for fencing and he often (6) practises for hours! At the moment, English

football player David Beckham (7) lives in

America and he's playing for an American team.

Apparently he often (8) is going to Tom Cruise's house to fence with his friends​

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