Engleza, întrebare adresată de dana29, 9 ani în urmă

Help me please!!!
Use the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.

1.That building (to design) by my father 2 years ago.
2.When I (to enter)the room,my sister (to listen) to the news.
3.After we (to buy) the present,we (to leave) for Mike's place.
4.You (to drive) all day.Let me drive now.
5.It was dark when we (to stop) by a policeman.
6.It is time to leave.You (not,to pack) your things yet?
7.Ann promised she (to ring) as soon as possibile.
8.The teacher told us that the Earth (to go) round the sun.
9.She (to look) at the beast with awe and (not,to be able) to open her mouth.
10.If he (not,to be) as humble as that,he (to have) more success.
11.What you (to do) when the guests come?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Radu111111
1. was designed
2. entered. was listening
3. buyed leaved
4. drived
5. stopped
6. didnt pack
7. will ring
8. goes
9. looked. wasnt able
10. isnt. have
11. did

Radu111111: Coroana ?
dana29: deja nu mai aveam nevioe,si apropo sunt greseli
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