Dau coroana
17. Turn from Active to Passive.
a. Someone is helping her with the housework.
b. The mail-order company sent Mrs Green a parcel.
c. My friend sent me an invitation.
d. The secretary has given Mrs Jones some letters.
e. The traffic warden had already given him a ticket for illegal parking.
f. John gave Elizabeth that beautiful ring.
g. Her students have sent her flowers.
h. He must give the message to the right person.
i. We teach our students English and French.
j. Someone bought flowers for the bride.
k. They showed the tourists the sights of Athens.
l. They pay her an excellent salary.
m. They paid the artist £1,000 for his painting.
18. Rewrite these sentences in the passive voice.
1. They sell oysters in the shop next door.
2. They haven’t delivered the food yet.
3. Shakespeare wrote King Lear.
4. They have to answer the questions on this sheet.
5. Has anybody put the cases upstairs?
6. Someone should take this rubbish away.
7. They’ll ask you a lot of questions.
8. Someone’s going to send her some flowers.
Răspunsuri la întrebare
Cerință - Rescrie enunțurile date folosind diateza pasivă în loc de cea activă.
Exercise 17
a) She is being helped with the housework (by someone).
b) Mrs. Green was sent a parcel by the mail-order company.
c) I was sent an invitation by my friend.
d) Mrs. Jones has been given some letters by the secretary.
e) He had already been given a ticket for illegal parking by the traffic warden.
f) Elizabeth was given that beautiful ring by John.
g) She was sent flowers by her students.
h) The message must be given to the right person (by him).
i) Our students are taught English and French (by us).
j) The bride was bought flowers (by someone).
k) The tourists were showed the sights of Athens (by them).
l) She is paid an excellent salary (by them).
m) The artist was paid £1000 for his paintings (by them).
Observație: Cuvintele scrise în paranteze rotunde reprezintă complemente de agent opționale. Când transformăm un enunț folosind diateza pasivă, câteodată este important să precizăm la sfârșit complementul de agent (ca în cazul enunțurilor d și g) însă uneori, propoziția are sens și fără acel complement, caz în care nu trebuie neapărat precizat (ca în cazul enunțurilor k și m).
Exercise 18:
- Oysters are sold (by them) in the shop next door.
- The food hasn't yet been delivered (by them).
- King Lear was written by Shakespeare.
- The questions on this sheet have to be answered (by them).
- Have the cases been put upstairs (by anybody)?
- This rubbish should be taken away (by someone).
- You'll be asked a lot of questions (by them).
- She is going to be sent some flowers (by someone).
- Lumberjack25