Engleza, întrebare adresată de mateiutzumateiiii121, 8 ani în urmă

dau coroana ajutor!!!​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ViLEsh


18. The students worked very well this term.
19. I only
heard from him from him twice since he went away.
20. I
heard from her regularly. She is a very good correspondent.
21. I
greased my car. That's why my hands are so dirty.
22. I
polished this table all the morning and she isn't satisfied with it.
23. I
worked for him for ten years and he never once said 'Good morning' to me.
24. He
teached in this school for five years.
25. I
teached hundreds of students but i never meet such a hopeless class as this.
26. Why you
took so long in the garage? - The tyres were flat; I pumped them up.
27. I
pumped up three tyres. Would you like to do the fourth?
28. I
looked for mushrooms but i didn't find any.
29. He
coughed a lot lately. He ought to give up smoking.
30. You
heard the news? Tom and Ann are engaged! - That's not new; I knew it for ages!
31. I
tried to finish this letter for the last half-hour. I wished you'd go away or stop talking. - I hardly said anything.
32. The driver of that car
sounded his horn for the last ten minutes.
33. It
rained for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so the match was postponed.
34. He
hoped for a rise in salary for six months but he didn't dare to ask it yet.
35. Mr Smith, you
whispered to the student on your right for the last five minutes. You helped him with his exam paper or he helped you?
36. Why you
made such a horrible noise - I lost my key and I tried to wake my wife by throwing stones at her window. - You threw stones at the wrong window. You live next door.


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