Engleza, întrebare adresată de andreea87176, 8 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de iulia6088


My favourite type of learning is going to school.

Offline learning is so much more effective than online school. In online school, we can get distracted by so many things in our room. In offline school, we can barely use our phones, that's so we can concentrate on what our teachers say.

The advantage of online school is that we can cheat on our tests and use the "My camera and my microphone doesn't work." excuse.

I also think thats is not very good for our health to stay 6 hours a day starring at a screen. Its hurtful for our eyes and our mental health also.

In offline school, its easier for us to communicate with our friends and make memories.

In conclusion, I think offline school is so much better than online school.

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