Engleza, întrebare adresată de Denisa183736, 8 ani în urmă

dau coroana celui care face ambele exerciți va rog este urgent ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de elenamireladuca2007


1. 1) Service is included in the bill.

2) This road isn't used very often.

3) All flights were cancelled because of the fog.

4) I was accused of stealing the money.

5) A new ring road is being built around the city.

6) I didn't realise that our conversation was being recorded.

7) The date of the meeting had been changed.

8) Brian told me that he was attacked and robbed in the street.

2. 1) Every week it's being watched by millions of people.

2) Are most of them exported?

3) Yes. about 20 people have been arrested.

4) Really? When was it abolished?

5) Yes. But nobody was injured so it wasn't needed.

6) Was anything taken?

7) It's being redecorated.

8) It was being serviced at the garage.

9) It has been stolen!

10) They haven't been seen since.

11) Has it been painted since I was last here?

12) It was blown down in the storm.


Răspuns de daria972


is included

isn't used very often

have been canceled

was accused of stealing money

is being build

was recorded

has been changed

every week it's watched by millions of people

most of them are exported

about 20 people got arrested

when did it abolish

nobody was injured so it's not needed

did they take anything

it's redecororated

it's in service in the garage

it got stolen

did you paint it since I was here

it blew down

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