Engleza, întrebare adresată de sandutadoina125, 8 ani în urmă

dau coroana cine mă ajută
Exercise 12. Respond to the following sentences: Model 1: Begin reading. - Shall I begin reading? 1. Speak English. 2. Open the window. 3. Read the exercise. 4. Do it at once. 5. Repeat this poem. 6. Learn it by heart. 7. Clear the table. 8. Answer my question. 9. Lay the table. 10. Make tea for us. Model 2: I don't see what's wrong here. - Shall I show you? 1. I don't know this expression. 2. I can't see what is written on the blackboard. 3. I can't swim. 4. I can't hear you. 5. I don't remember this word. 6. I don't know Chisinau well. 7. I can't find the newspaper. 8. I don't know where my ball-pen is.​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de dianaborcea720


1.shall i begin speak english?

2.shall i open the Windows?

dianaborcea720: 3.shall i begin reading the exercise?
dianaborcea720: 4.shall i begin do it at once?
sandutadoina125: scrie pe o pagina și trimite poza
dianaborcea720: scriu urat
sandutadoina125: eu înțeleg
sandutadoina125: stai liniștită
sandutadoina125: te rog frumos
sandutadoina125: și itemi din poza
sandutadoina125: dă-mi instagramul tau că acolo sa îmi trimiți
sandutadoina125: ???
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