Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

Deschide parantezele folosind fie Perfectul sa-u timpurile Continue la Perfect.
1. I (see) ...........that movie four times. 2. She (work) .......... for thet company for three years. 3. People ( not travel, yet) ..........to Mars . 4. Nobody ........ ever (climb) ........that mountain . 5. She (sleep) ..... for 10 hours when the car arrived. 6. He .......... never (travel) ......by train . 7. James (teach) at the university since June. 8. A : ...........you ever (meet) ......him? B: No , I .....,(not meet) him. 9.You (grow) ..........since the last time I saw you. 10. By this time yesterday , I .....(finish) the project. 11. My English ..... really (improve) ....... since I moved to Australia . 12. They (be) ........married for 40 years by the end of this month. 13. By 2020 , I .....(live) in Madrid for 15 years . 14. We (wait ).... here for over two hours ! 15. Man (walk) ............on the Moon. 16. I (known) ........him since my childhood . 17. Bill..... just (arrive) ........... . 18. She (watch) .........too much television lately . 19. What .....you(do) .....? You are dirty . 20. (finish, you) ......this novel by next week?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de nicolettaaa
1. have seen
2. has been working
3. haven't traveled yet (nu stiu sigur)
4. has ever climber
5. have been sleeping
6. has never traveled
7. has been teaching
8. have you ever met
9. have not meet
10. was finishing
11.   la asta nu stiu sigur, scuze (cred ca e has really improved)
12. have been married
13. was living
14. have been waiting
15. nu inteleg propozitia, dar cred ca e have walked sau walked
16. have known
17. has just arrieved
18. have been watching
19. have you done
20. nu stiu la asta, scuze

nu stiu daca la toate sunt corecte, deci nu sariti cu reclamatii, sper ca te-am ajuat

nicolettaaa: la majoritatea da, daca ceva mai cauta pe net ca o sa gasesti si pe alte site-uri. Sper sa iei 10 :)
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