Engleza, întrebare adresată de nicolaeand59, 8 ani în urmă

Elaborati un plan de cel puțin 10 rânduri prin care sa demonstrați ca examenul este cel mai bun mod de a evalua elevul. Sau eseu de 250 cuvinte.
In engleza!!! ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ecaterina2992

examenul-cel mai bun mod de a evalua elevul


I think exams are so helpful and important in our lives.Just because you study for it, and you try to do not give up and study even and even more. With exams we can see what child know and how good he/she understand the subject. Exams teach you to study harder. Exams can decide a lot of things, for example, if you want to work somewhere you need to pass exams, if you want to go in other grade, you should take the exams, etc.Exams are used everywhere nowadays.Exam is good for us and it teach us from mistakes, for example if you have a grade under 5 you need to pass it again, and it's like the 2nd chance! For it you study even harder so you can understand. write again and learning from mistakes you made then.How consideration I can say , with exams you start to be intelligent person and be able to think, be smart and do not give up!

(170 cuvinte)


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