Engleza, întrebare adresată de ionelafilip2000, 9 ani în urmă

Dau coroană exemplu short-shortes-the shortest ​


Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Outstanding

Hi there!

fast-faster-the fastest

fat- fatter- the fattest

many-more-the most

good-better-the best

new-newer-the newest

much-more-the most

large-larger-the largest

ugly-uglier-the ugliest

beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful

interesting-more interesting-the most interesting

helpful-more helpful-the most helpful

happy-happier-the happiest

clean-cleaner-the cleanest

sad-sadder-the saddest

weak-weaker-the weakest


In limba engleza avem doua tipuri de adjective:adjective scurte( care au in general o singura silaba) si adjective lungi( doua sau mai multe silabe). Pentru a le forma gradele de comparatie trebuie sa tii cont de cateva regului simple:

1) Adjective scurte:

regula de baza: adjectiv- adjectiv +"-er"- the adjectiv+"-est"

ex. clean-cleaner-the cleanest

# daca adjectivul se termina in "consoana vocala consoana", cand adaugi 'er" sau "est", dublezi ultima consoana

ex. fat-fatter-the fattest

#daca adjectivul se termina in "-y" si are in fata o consoana, cand adaugi "-er" sau "-est", 'Y' se tranforma in "i"

ex. ugly-uglier-the ugliest

# avem si cateva adjective neregulate:

good-better-the best

bad-worse-the worst

many/much- more-the most

far-further-the furthest

little-less-the least

2) Adjective lungi:

Aici este mai simplu,ai o singura regula:

adjectiv- more+adjectiv- the most+adjectiv

ex. beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful


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