Engleza, întrebare adresată de Kromek15, 9 ani în urmă

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Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ganymede
1. when does the landlady lock the door?
2. who does the car belong to?
3. why are you sorry?
4. when does the post arrive?
5. how does leo usually travel to work?
6. what does a newsagent sell?
7. how many chairs are in this room?
8. what do i usually take when i have a headache?
9. who plays the lead guitar in that band?
10. which type of stories does she mostly read?
11. how does jimmy spend his free time?
12. when do american kids dress up like ghosts?
13. how many cigarettes does your father smoke a day?
14. when do they move to a new house?
15. what do we do in the evenings?
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