Engleza, întrebare adresată de byancabya295, 8 ani în urmă

Dau coroana!! Pls!!
Scrieți un eseu de opinie în limba engleza de 180 - 200 de cuvinte
Opinion essay-Which do you prefer best? Reading the book or seeing the movie ?
Give argumets for your Choice! (180-200 words) ​

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de cosmincladicov09


In my opinion every person has in life a goal. This aim can be defined as an ambition for the individual to overcome his/hers barriers, to become better at something or to climb the social ladder.

First of all, having an ambitions can give life a purpose, a desire of winning all the challenges we have to overcome in order to get where we want. I believe that for teenages a main ambition is to pass with flying colors all the exams in order to get into university, to be able to not be ashamed of one's results and to be at ease with yourself because you gave everything you could in order to get the results you wanted. My ambition is to get into medical school.

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