Engleza, întrebare adresată de Nimic1222, 8 ani în urmă


Complete the sentences with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. 1.- They _________ (write) their exams yesterday. 2.- They _________ (start) building their new house 18 months ago. 3.- I ________ (meet) the company manager two weeks ago. 4.- I ________ (be born) in 1964. 5.- That was the best concert I _____ ever _______ (see). 6.- I __________ (not eat) anything since breakfast. 7.- I _________ (study) English for 10 years. 8.- You ___________ (change) your address recently. 9.- When I was 15 I _________ (go) to Dublin. 10.- My students _________ (raise) a lot of money for charity. 11.- We _________ (not go) to the cinema last night. 12.- My uncle ________ (arrive) in Lisbon last night but he _________ (not call) 13.- We _________ (not see) Pedro Almodovar’s new film yet. 14.- _________ (you go) abroad this year? 15.- The shop is probably closed because they _______ (go) for lunch. 16.- When I ______ (be) at school I ______ (not like) Maths. 17.- What’s the matter with your brother? He ________ (lose) his mobile. 18.- Mark Spitz ________(win) seven Olympic gold medals in 1972. 19.- Why are you crying? Because I _______ (cut) my finger. 20.- When Mary was young she _______ (love) skiing. 21.- There _______ (be) a lot of accidents last year, and there _________ (be) a lot this year, too. 22.- My students __________ (not study) hard last term, but they ______ (study) hard this term. 23.- When my niece ______ (be) at school, she ________ (play) in a handball team. 24.- After I _____ (leave) school, I ______ (take) a job on the library. 25.- I’m afraid the last train ________ (leave) an hour ago. 26.- Thank you for your offer but I _________ (decide) not to accept. 27.- Yesterday I __________ (lose) my wallet. 28.- We ________ (not speak) to your sister for a long time. 29.- When we ________ (reach) the cinema, there _______ (not be) any tickets left. 30.- Take your umbrella with you. It ________ (start) raining.

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de alinalaura02
1) wrote
2) started
3) met
4) was born
5) had .... seen
6) had not been eaten
7) studied
8) had changed
9) went
10) raised
11) didn't go
12) arrived .... doesn't call
13) have not seen
14)Did you go
15) go / went
16) was ..... didn't like
17) lost
19) cut
20) loved
21) were ..... was
22) have not study .... are studying
23) was..... vad played
24) left .... took
25) left
26) Decided
27) lose
28) have spoken
29)reached.... weren't
30) started
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