Engleza, întrebare adresată de Magdutza1, 9 ani în urmă

dau coroana pt 20 prop in limba engleza

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Dormevu2

What is your name? My name is... - Cum te cheama? Ma cheama...What time is it? - Cat e ceasul?What day is today? - In cat santem?What did you say? - Ce-ai spus?What makes you say that? - Ce te face sa spui asta?
Excuse me? - Poftim?
Where do you live? I live in.../ I live at number... - Unde locuiesti? Locuiesc in.../ Locuiesc la numarul...Where is...? I do not know. - Unde este...? Nu stiu
When are you coming? - Cand vii?When does the plane leave? - Cand pleaca avionul?When will I see you again - Cand ne mai vedem?
How old are you? I am... - Cati ani ai? Am...How are you? I am fine, thank you/ Not too good - Ce mai faci? Bine, multumesc/ Nu prea bine.How much is it? - Cat costa?How may I help you? - Cum te-as putea ajuta? (personalul de la o firma)How can I get there? - Cum pot sa ajung acolo?How did you do that? - Cum ai facut?How come? - De ce?
Why are you leaving? - De ce pleci?Why are you happy/sad/upset etc - De ce esti vesel/trist/necajit etc?

Dormevu2: Coroana
Magdutza1: poti sa imi faci 10 propoziti cu present perfect simple??
Dormevu2: Da imi dai coroana
Magdutza1: da ti.o dau dar fami propozitiile astea
Dormevu2:  I haven't seen John for two months.
(Nu l-am vazut pe John de doua luni.)
I haven't seen John since September.
(Nu l-am vazut pe John din septembrie.)
I have known John for two years.
(Il cunosc pe John de doi ani.)
I have known John since 1990.
(Il cunosc pe John din 1990.)Have I been working?
Has he been working?I have not (haven't) been working.
He has not (hasn't) been working.
Dormevu2: Coroana
Magdutza1: dar sa nu se repete verbele
Răspuns de Lolhm
I use to ride a bike to go to school.
He loves to dance and sing.
They like chocolate biscuits.
She must study for tomorrow.
We are very happy at this time.
Should they read this book?
The dog is running.
I am eating an ice-cream.
This is our pencil.
She wrote a book.
They cracked the window.
I was listening to music.
She will be at school tomorrow at this time.
This flower is very apreciated by mom.
He sings very well.
The cat is eating fish.
The radio says that is 2 a.m.
She is very happy at this time.
I was reading when you came home.
Maria likes cooking.

Magdutza1: okk ms
Lolhm: stai sa mai dau 3
Lolhm: I shared my room with my brother.
Lolhm: Mi-am impartit camera cu fratele meu
Lolhm: I hugged my teddy bear.
Lolhm: Mi-am imbratisat ursuletul de plus
Lolhm: I decided to participate at this contest.
Lolhm: M-am decis sa particip la acest concurs
Lolhm: Gata
Magdutza1: mersy
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