Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 9 ani în urmă

DAU COROANA REPEDE ;;;VA ROOOOG;;; Fill in with must/musn-t, have to , don-t/doesen-t have to.
1. amanda______milkthe cows,but she wants to.
2. Children_____help their parents and grandparents.
3. It-s raining We ____ stay indoors.
4. Granny _____ collect eggs. Amanda does it.
5.Young children ____ watch TV after 9 pm.
6.We _____go to school on Sundays.
7.Children _____play with mathes. PLEASE

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de stefang8
1. doesn't have to
2. must
3. have to
4. mustn't
5. mustn't
6. don't have to
7. nu inteleg ultimul cuvant, "mathes", nu cred ca l-ai scris bine

stefang8: Daca il scrii din nou, te pot ajuta. Nu uitati de multumesc!
stefang8: musnt't
stefang8: la ultima
stefang8: scuze de intarziere
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