Engleza, întrebare adresată de draganadriancla, 9 ani în urmă

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Charlie Bucket lived with his parents maternal grandparents , Grandpa George and grandma Georgina, and his parental grandparents, Grandpa Joe and grandma Josophine. they all lived together in a small house which wasn' t nearly large enough for so many people. There were only two rooms and one bed . All the grandparents slept in one bed and Charlie and his parents slept on the floor in the other room. They were very poor. They were always cold and always hungry. The only food they had was bread and margarine for breaskfast, boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch and cabbage soup for supper. All Charlie really wanted was CHOCOLATE. But the only ever got a bar once a year on his birthday. and what war worse for Charlie, was he always passed the gates of an enormous chocolate factory on his way home from school. One evening Charlie asked his grandparents about the factory proprietor, Mr. Willy Wonka. My dear boy said Grandpa Joe. Mr Willy Wonka is the most amazing, the most fantastic and the most extraordinary chocolate maker in the world. He has invented more than two hundred new kinds of chocolate bars, ice cream, chewing-gum the tastiest sweets you can imagine. It makes my mouth water to think about it.

Mine, too' said Charlie. 'Please go on'
'I' Ii tell you something else that is true.
Nobody ever comes out and nobody ever goes in the factory'
'But there must be people working there.
'Not people Charlie, not ordinary people anyway.
;Then who?' cried Charlie
;Charlie dear!; Mrs Bucket called from the door. ' It's time for bed
But mother, l must hear...
Tomorrow my darling. Grandpa Joe cand tell you rest of the story tomorrow

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de Crowley
Charlie Bucket a trait cu bunicii lui din partea mamei, bunicul George si bunica Georgina , si bunicii lui din partea tatalui, bunicul Joe si bunica Josophine .  Cu totii au trait intr-o casa mica care nu a fost destul de mare pentru atatia oameni . Aveau doar 2 camere si un pat . Toti bunicii au dormit intr-un pat , iar Charlie si parintii lui dormeau pe podea , in cealalta camera. Ei erau foarte saraci . Intotdeauna le era frig si foame. Singura mancare pe care o aveau era painea si margarina pentru micul de jun , cartofi fierti si varza pentru pranz , si supa de varza pentru cina. Tot ce isi dorea Charlie era ciocolata . Dar el a primit un singur baton de ciocolata , de ziua lui.  Si cel mai rau lucru era ca , in fiecare zi cand se intorcea de la scoala trecea pe langa portile unei mari fabrici de ciocolata. Intr-o seara , Charlie si-a bunicii despre proprietarul fabricii , domnul Willy Wonka . Dragul meu baiat , a spus bunicul Joe . Domnul Willy Wonka este cel mai fantastic si cel mai extraordinar producator de ciocolata din lume. El a inventat mai mult de 200 de batoane de ciocolata , inghetata , guma de mestecat . Iti lasa gura apa doar cand te gandesti .
"Si eu a spus Charlie. Te rog , du-te
O sa-ti mai spun ceva ce este adevarat
Nimeni nu iese , si nimeni nu intra in fabrica
Dar acolo trebuie sa fie oameni care muncesc
Nu oameni , Charlie . Nu oameni obisnuiti
Atunci cine , Charlie a plans
Dragule Charlie , Domnul Bucket a strigat de la usa . Este timpul sa te duci la culcare .
Dar mama , trebuie sa aud...
Maine dragul meu . Bunicul Joe o sa-ti spuna restul povestii maine
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