Engleza, întrebare adresată de slendercityoutub, 8 ani în urmă

dau coroana si inima!!!


slendercityoutub: sunt doua imagini incarcate!

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de BingChilling


1. Is Peter from the USA?

Yes, he is.

2. Is he 11?

No, he is not.

3. Are Kate and Peter best friends?

Yes, they are.

4. Is Kate 11 years old?

Yes, she is.

5. Is history their favourite subject?

No, It's not.


1. Is Greg 10 years old?

2. Are Sam and you from the UK?

3. Is Tom from Brazil?

4. Are Joe and Nick friends?


1. Are you Romanian?

Yes, I am.

2. Is your best friend Irish?

No, he's not.

3. Is your favorite school subject English?

Yes, it is.

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