Engleza, întrebare adresată de Utilizator anonim, 8 ani în urmă

dau coroană, stele și inimi vă rog ajutați-mă ​


jamiee: care dintre ele?

Răspunsuri la întrebare

Răspuns de ilinca5077


cut- cutting
cry- crying
dine- dining
dig- digging
stop- stopping
write- writing
run- running
play- playing
come- coming
swim - swimming
stay - staying
ski - skiing
go- going
skip- skipping
make - making
take - taking
do - doing
have - having


1. What ARE you and Tina doing at the moment?

2. IS the dog chasing the cat in the park?

3. The art teacher IS not painting in this class.

4. The children ARE making a snowman in the yard.

5. My mother IS baking a cake in the kitchen.

6. Tom’s friends ARE having fun at his party.

2 a )

1) The parrots are standing on a branch.
2) The players are playing football. They’re running on the pitch.
3) (la aceasta nu stiu)
4) The ballerina is dancing. She’s listening to music.
5) The dogs are standing in the yarf. They’re playing.


1) Are the parrots flying in the forest?
-Yes, they are.

2)Is the ballerina rising her arms?
-Yes, she is.

3)Are the players playing rugby?
-No, they’re not.

4) (nu stiu)

5) Are the dogs walking in the park?
-Yes, they are.

sper ca te-am ajutat!:)
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